
jamie todd rubin


Going Paperless is a blog post series by SF writer Jamie Todd Rubin that documents his process for removing paper from his life.

More than changing how I think about using paper (which it has), it changed the way I think about organizing my work flow. I’ll detail how this took place for another post, but if you’re interested in getting started, here’s my favorite post: Tips On How I Use Evernote to Remember Everything

While it does offer some tactics, the two major insights into Jamie’s methodology about going paperless are:

  1. You do this because it can make your life more convenient and provides more time for what matters. If you feel it complicates your life, go back to what you were doing.

  2. Don’t feel overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once. Implement the tactics slowly. Make habits, don’t fall

  3. suspect to whims.

Photo Credit: Classic PDF