
Alex Harvey-Gurr


Pilot Season: The TV game has changed since Alex and I wrote this article. The business of television continues to evolve: where we watch (mobile vs. on television), when we watch (on the go vs. gathering in the living room), and who we watch (Netflix vs. everybody).

With this metamorphosis, is learning about the pilot season still relevant? In a world of more straight-to-series orders, do you have to understand the timing of pilot orders?

For now, the answer is yes. The networks (NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, CW) are still major players and the major players still play by these rules. So you should learn them before you decide how to bend — perhaps break — them.

The general advice and structure laid out below still hold true. Sequencing and small details may have changed.



You got an amazing idea for a television show.

You worked hard busting your ass as an assistant, climbing the ranks, often working for free.

You got it in front of the right people at the studios and networks.

Time to binge watch GAME OF THRONES or rewatch FRIENDS on Netflix, right?