


Young[efn_note]Image is from Maggie (2015) a post-apocalyptic horror drama film Arnold stars in. It’s a dramatic turn for the action star. I love that he continues to push himself in his roles.[/efn_note] Arnold Schwarzenegger plastered his childhood bedroom with pictures of the greats: Steve Reeves, Bill Pearl, Jack Dellinger, Tommy Sansome, Paul Winter. All were influential in Arnold’s life, but none more so than the winner of Mr. Universe in 1974, Reg Park.[efn_note]Source for all things Arnold: Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger –[/efn_note]

Reg Park provided Arnold with the blueprint for his own career:

  • Become a world-class bodybuilder
  • Win Mr. Universe
  • Leverage that success into Hollywood

This article is part of a series, where I offer individual and specific pieces of advice to people about moving to LA and getting started in entertainment via email, over coffees, and on phone calls. You can see the rest here.


Subject: Finally Moved to LA

Nov 6, 2018

Hello Chris!

A lot has changed since we last spoke, but as it so happens one constant in my life has been the weekly connection. I finally took the leap and moved out to LA, to hopefully start a career in Film and TV. I did in fact read a lot of your Fighting Broke blogs and it helped me transition through a tough time after graduation.

That said, I do have a few questions for you. You talk a lot about offering your services for free, and impressing your boss.

I used to work at a horror production company called After Dark Films. We churned out memorable films like Asylum (“A mess, from the moment the film starts, you can see it and feel it” – HorrorNews) and Getaway (2% on Rotten Tomatoes, and “…a reminder of the dangers in attempting to speed past coherent editing, character development, sensible dialogue, and an interesting plot.”)

Reader Kevin B. wrote:

I have had a few internships, but no long term employment other than waiting tables. I’m currently looking for my first job as an assistant, but everywhere I look (entertainmentcareers, UTA, etc.) is asking for at least a year of experience if not more. How do I get experience if even the most entry level positions require it?