There are many approaches to become a TV writer.

But some approaches are better than others.

Unlike becoming a novelist, becoming a TV show requires skills besides writing. You need to know:

  • How the Hollywood business works
  • How to speak to executives
  • How to work with other writers
  • …and much more

“How did this show get on the air?” I asked my roommate while watching CSI. “I can call every ‘twist’ they’ve written.” “Why don’t…

Showrunner Vince Gilligan

While giving a speech at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, actor Kevin Spacey said “the King of television is the creatives.”[note][/note] He argued that Hollywood needs…

how to create a TV show

You have an idea for a TV show. There’s intrigue. There’s action. It’s going to make Game of Thrones look like Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.  Amazing. Now: where…

My first internship was at Maxim Magazine. I line edited Heineken advertorial copy, pitched Keystone “insert” ideas, and sorted the magazine’s archive. The entire…