The hardest part of selling a home and moving a family of 5 overseas wasn’t the machinations or logistical Jenga:

  • “What about your house?” Sold it to my brother
  • “What about the kids?” Enrolled in daycare
  • “What about work? Taxes?” The work situation was negotiated at the hiring phase. Taxes were… confusing. And expensive. I bought an hour from a tax consultant, so now it’s less confusing (still expensive though)

The hardest part was answering: why move in the first place? 

A house with “good bones” is one with the potential to go from “frumpy-to-fabulous.” She is structurally sound, regardless of the missing shingles, broken…

What a week: six-hour bottlenecks at airports, toilet paper outages, billions of dollars erased in the markets, and over 6,500 lives lost around the world.…