


I recently learned of a condition called “Paris Syndrome.”

The shock of coming to grips with a city, [Paris] that is indifferent to their presence and looks nothing like their imagination [that] launches tourists into a psychological tailspin.[note]Paris Syndrome: A First-Class Problem for a First-Class Vacation by Chelsea Fagan |[/note]

I think my friend Bevin introduced the idea of sympathy vs. feedback idea to me:

When someone complains to her about something, first she lets them get it all out

Then she asks (I’m paraphrasing), “Okay. What are you looking: sympathy or feedback?”

I once had a family friend named Andrew. He introduced me to Puff Daddy, Usher, and Triple Five Soul apparel. He also had a brilliant mind for medicine. Rutgers University literally created an award in chemistry, so they could give it to him.

While he was in medical school, I asked him how he did so well in his studies. His answer was simple: